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The future looks bright for Bidvest Wits

Today I attended the Bidvest Wits FC facilities launch. This launch is a very significant one because it not only shapes future of Bidvest Wits but also the future of football in South Africa. However, I am very disappointed by the low attendance by journalists because it is events like this that we need to cover.

The Bidvest Wits set-up
The club has decided to put more money into the development of young players in Johannesburg. With the new facilities set-up Wits can grow to become “a world class soccer club”, as Stan Whiting says. About 20 players under the age of 20 years will be given an opportunity to train and live in the facilities. The club will also offer them better education and life skills training.

After spending over 20 million rands buying players that have not really helped the club’s success, Wits have rather decided to their roots. They well-known for promoting youngsters and giving them a chance to play at the highest level, i.e. Junaid Hartley, Stanton Fredericks, Lovers Mohlala, Bradley Carnell etc. Recently, they have promoted about 9 players from their developments side. Roger de Sa says, “we need to nurture players to understand the Wits culture and we need to work within budget when bringing in new signings”.

Wits have also created good working partnerships with Johannesburg based amateur teams, such as Robertsham F.C, Randburg F.C etc to sign their best talent to the club. These clubs work as feeders for senior team and their development teams. Wits have also enlisted former players (who coach amateur sides), i.e. Gardner Seale, Bull Lehoko and others, to work as scouts in the Gauteng region.

The Development model
Stan Whiting says, “we took the model of the most successful academies in world football, like Sao Paolo (Brazil), England and Holland. Bidvest Wits even have a working relationship with Sao Paolo through the Shona Khona programme that recruits young players to Brazil. When they (players) return to South Africa, Wits have first option to sign the players.

Wits have decided to invest in youngsters, which cannot be said about some big teams who believe in buying success. Investing in young talent is great but giving them a chance to play is another and Roger De Sa has not been afraid to throw his young players into the deep end.

Written by

Wanda Wela Mgwebi
Http: //mzansisoccer.blogspot.com


  1. Holla fellow Mzantsi football enthusiast. it has been a long time hey. A lot has happened since we last communicated. Aish I am a little bit down at the moment because my team is back at it again. I like the appearance of your blog broer from the design, layout and everything....I am one can see that a lot of effort has been put in making it the way it is so big up to you. I wil chat more with you concerning football matters once I get time....Once a Pirate always a Pirate!!!

  2. Thanks baba. Eish, the derby was very disappointing again. Maybe, we should not call it that anymore.
